Tuesday, July 26, 2016

How to read a fishbone stuck in the throat as if this happens all on its own!

Fish is a favorite of many people. It is easy to digest protein There are several types Rich in omega-3 to help nourish the brain. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and many nutrients that nourish the body.

But if other people do not thoroughly chewed fish may spread to the neck, I was annoyed. I eat and what not Admin There are several ways to remove a fish bone stuck in the throat too ...

Method 1: molding the rice or waxy lump. About the size of a small ball Then to swallow the lump The fish may be caught before the rice down into the stomach.

Method 2: freshly squeezed lemon juice, about 1 -2 tablespoons drink into it. Because of citric acid makes fishbone soft and flowing down to the stomach. But only with a mild bone. Size is not large Embroidered and not very deep throat

Method 3: if not very deep, like a fishbone stuck in the throat and on the tonsils. The water flushed into the throat vigorously. It must face up to the sound of rock around 3-4 times, then rinse in water 2-3 times.

Method 4: When the bur to drink a little water. Chewed bread moist enough I tried to swallow the lump it. The bread will help push the fish bone stuck in the throat into the stomach.
Then you have a way to solve a fishbone stuck in my throat.

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